Hardware Requirements and Software Compatibility
The hardware requirements and current technology versions reflect GenePattern version 3.9.8. The operating systems and browsers listed reflect those systems and browsers on which GenePattern 3.9.8 has been tested.
Browser recommendations: Note that, for most users, only a browser is needed to connect with and use GenePattern
GenePattern has been tested on the following browsers, as of June 2016, with GenePattern 3.9.8:
- Microsoft Edge
- Internet Explorer 11 (As of January 2014 GenePattern no longer supports IE10 or earlier versions)
- Firefox 39
- Chrome 50
- Safari 9 (5.1+ required for Module Integrator and Pipeline Designer)
- Use the most recent versions of Firefox or Safari
- NOTE: Chrome version 39 was released in November of 2014. This is a 64-bit browser and thus supports Java 7 & 8. If you use Chrome 39 on your Mac you should be able to upload large files (>2 GB) to the Uploads tab (check your Java version here)
For those users who need to install* GenePattern:
*Again, please note that there is no need to install GenePattern in order to use it.
Hardware requirements: GenePattern's hardware requirements are found on almost all currently available machines:
- 512 MB RAM (individual modules, such as NMFConsensus or the RNA-seq modules, may require additional RAM depending on the data being processed)
- 500 MHz Pentium 3 or equivalent
- Server space: 252 MB
- Module space: As of May 2013, installing all GenePattern modules requires approximately 2 GB of hard drive space, and analysis space requires approximately 10 GB
Current technology versions: Following are the technology versions used in GenePattern 3.9.8.
- GenePattern 3.9.3+ requires Java 7. Older versions require Java 6, Java 8 is supported. Please note that we support Oracle Java, and do not support Open Java, and that you will need to install the JDK, not just the JRE.
- R 2.5.0 (Included in Windows* installs. Other versions of R can be installed to run with GenePattern modules as needed. See the Using Different Versions of R in-depth article for more information.)
- Perl 5.8.8 (Windows* installs only - Please note that the Windows installer is now deprecated.)
*Please see our Blog for information on recent issues with Java updates and GenePattern.
Tested operating systems: GenePattern installers are available for Mac OS X, and Linux. GenePattern should work with any operating system that has a Java 7 virtual machine installed, and likely on those with Java 8. (We have done minimal testing with Java 8 servers and found few issues.) We have tested it on the following OS platforms for the release of GenePattern 3.9.8:
- Mac: OS X 10.9, 10.10, 10.11
- Linux: Ubuntu 14.04, CentOS 5, Red Hat 6 (Note: these are only the platforms we test; GenePattern works on other Linux platforms as well
*Note that the Windows installer is deprecated as of the 3.9.3 release.