Released January 22, 2016
GenePattern 3.9.6 requires Java 7+.
System requirements and known issues are detailed on the following pages.
Bug Fixes and Enhancements
- Password fields are now rendered properly on the job submit form.
- Drag and drop of directories from the Files tab is now working for parameters that accept multiple files.
Admin Support
- Added automatic R Package installer
Modules Released Since September 25, 2015
- CLSFileCreator - A tool to create a class label (CLS) file.
- CsvToFcs - Converts a Comma separated values (CSV) file to a Flow Cytometry Standard (FCS) file.
- GSEA - Gene Set Enrichment Analysis.
- GSEALeadingEdgeViewer - Leading Edge Viewer for GSEA results.
- GSEAPreranked - Runs the gene set enrichment analysis against a user-supplied ranked list of genes.
- MergeHTSeqCounts - Merges HTSeq read count data files into one file
- PreprocessReadCounts - Preprocess RNA-Seq count data in a GCT file so that it is suitable for use in GenePattern analyses.
- ReannotateGCT - Reannotate a GCT file's "Description" column with data from a CHIP file
- SOMClusterViewer - Visualize clusters created with the SOM algorithm